Breaking news!
We have just learned that Chester Zoo will be hosting a large outdoor dinosaur exhibition, starting on the same weekend as the European Carnivorous Plant Exhibition of the year - EEE 2011. The weekend of 1-2 July 2011 has know become a triple celebration of meat eating animals and plants.
Not only will you see an amazing array of plant genera and species that love nothing better than to feast on animals and the modern day animal carnivores Chester Zoo is home too, but a world of dinosaurs too.
If your mind wasn't made up about coming before, and you thought about leaving your kids at home, its time to think again!
Members of European and non-European Carnivorous Plant Societies get all this for a heavily discounted registration fee, with concessionary tickets arranged for members' family and guests too, making it the bargain weekend entertainment of the year. To achieve these savings, tickets must be purchased through the Carnivorous Plant Society - details on how to pay and a full event details will be available soon.